28th of November
Time flies, it’s the end of November and my project will be over soon. Since Thanksgiving was yesterday (although it’s not a German nor Icelandic tradition), I want to notice all the things I have, how blessed I am and be thankful for the things I have been given.
The last months have gone by so fast, I barely noticed. In August I worked in the garden and for 2 weeks in the kitchen. I found it very interesting, the differences between Icelandic and German kitchen work. I was allowed to work on my own, the noticed my experience, and it was nice to be appreciated in that way. I am so lucky with my colleges, the take their time talking to me, explaining things I don’t understand and they are always there for me when I need them!
In September my workdays contained mostly of garden and house work. The last week I got a visit from my girlfriends in Iceland, and Maria (EVS Volunteer with Lífsmótun). We looked ad Munich, went to Ulm, but first and foremost we enjoyed having each other! We had so much fun, I am so grateful for having such lovely friends I can trust.

My beautiful friends
October came very fast and so did the end of it. I took 2 weeks vacation in October, the first week, because of birthdays in my German family, and the last week, because my grandparents from Iceland came to visit. We spent time together and had lots of fun, it was great!! I am so thankful for my family, they mean everything to me, I’m the richest person in the world. I miss them every day, but Skype makes it a lot easier to be apart.

My grandparents and I
In November I had my last Natur Erlebnis Tage with a school class. We had the Theme Autumn and how the animals survive the winter. Every time it has been very interesting, because many of the things, we teach the children, I didn’t know before. One day, as we were walking to the woods with the class, we stumbled upon a Hedgehog, the cutest little thing. For me it was amazing, because in Iceland, there are no Hedgehogs. I have a new favorite wild animal. I am sure I learned more here about all sorts of things in the nature than in my years in the school in Iceland, so many things we don’t learn, because they don’t exist in the cold north. Like this little cutie:

The cutest little thing.
Now November has gone so quickly and I am seeing the end of my project. My work now involves around all the things a EVS volunteer needs to do when the projects coming to end. I spend the days in my office, writing my Youthpass and my final report, thinking about the future.
During my work here, I have always wondered if this picture is of the Icelandic musician Björk. It is.. I was very amused, to find a photo of an Icelandic singer in a Youth center in the middle of nowhere in Schwaben, Germany.

In December I have 3 weeks of work, and then Christmas holiday. I come back for work in January and have 6 days of work, then my project is over. I am sort of looking forward to the end, but also dreading giving up the luxurious life of a EVS voulunteer, and having to say goodbye to everyone. For all the things this year has brought to me, I am glad, moved and very thankful (Yes I say thankful a lot).
But enough for now, I have to get back to my Youthpass!
Thank you for taking your time to read my blog.
Rakel Ösp Aðalsteinsdóttir